About the Author

I grew up in western Pennsylvania, spending most of my childhood playing outdoors. I spent my summers camping and fishing, my autumns hunting, and any time of year hiking the woods. I attended Penn State DuBois where I received an Associate’s Degree in Wildlife Technology and studied environmental education, natural disasters, and writing under an independent major for my Bachelor’s Degree.

My hobbies include reading, writing, sketching, painting, and photography. I have a wide range of interests, covering paleontology; ancient cultures, archaeology, and related religions, spirituality, and philosophies; paranormal research; wildlife management from different parts of the world; volcanoes, earthquakes, and related geology; and other miscellaneous scientific and mysticism topics. (I like learning about how humans’ interpretations and attitudes towards natural phenomena has changed over the millennia.)

Literature, television, and movie genres that I enjoy include sci-fi, fantasy, horror, historic, and action/adventure. I will read and/or watch mystery and romance as secondary genres, but both have a tendency to bore me on their own. I also like to watch documentaries on the interest topics listed above as well as on more recent events that have impacted current society.

I’m going to end this little bio here for fear of continuing this list. Feel free to ask me questions as I’m sure I’ll cover additional interests in my future blog posts.

Thanks for stopping by!
