Sore but Trying

Today I am sore. Over the past few days, I started a new exercise routine in order to try to regain the muscle I lost in the past year. I don't like being sore. I know some people who love exercise enjoy the pull and protest of muscles that have been pushed to their limits, but for me, I find the sensations restrictive and depressing. But if I want to be able to take on certain hobbies without this type of pain in the future, then I need to retrain my body for those tasks.

Springtime Blues

I've had trouble finding motivation or inspiration to create much of anything this past week or so. And if you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed I've been fairly quiet there as well. I've fallen into a nihilistic mood that is often hard for me to shake. Being halfway through February, I am only a handful of weeks away from my busiest time of year, when my work schedule encroaches on my free time, and it becomes increasingly difficult to make progress on any of my personal projects. This is a very disheartening time for me, and I question the worth of working on any major projects as I know I'll end up interrupted during critical stages by a variety of obligations.

Please Drive Safe!

I'm going to keep this post short and simple, because the message here is simple and straight-forward. I can go months without coming across a single vehicular accident anywhere along my commutes. But in the past seven days, I have come across four of them, all along major roadways and rendering traffic backed up for hours. This past week was free of snow or freezing rain on the days of the wrecks. Two of the incidents involved shifting and/or unsecured loads.

The Pleasure of Debate

Many people will not understand how engaging in a true debate could be relaxing in any sense of the word, but for me, debates offer a great distraction that keep my mind in a healthy state of exercise and contemplation. I don't have time to dwell on negative thoughts or frustrations brought on by other people whom I cannot avoid or address.